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The Budget Transparency Initiative is a flagship program of the Liberia CSOs Anti-Corruption Caolition that seeks to promote citizen participation in the budget, provides budget analysis and promote open expenditure 



  • Budget Transparency Forum 

  • Citizen Budget 

  • Budget Analyis & Monitoring 




Budget transparency refers to the extent and ease with which citizens can access information about and provide feedback on government revenues, allocations, and expenditures. Budgets are key documents since they lay out a government’s priorities in terms of policies and programs. Opening up budgets is a first step toward democratizing the budget process and giving citizens a say in policy formulation and resource allocation.


Budget transparency, while not a goal in itself, is a prerequisite for public participation and accountability. A budget that is not transparent, accessible, and accurate cannot be properly analyzed. Its implementation cannot be thoroughly monitored nor its outcomes evaluated. Given the technical nature of budgets and the budget process, transparent budgets require that the information contained in budgets is presented in full as well as in simplified form, and in a timely manner

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