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Integrity & Ethical Leadership Program 

The IELP is an initiative of the Liberia CSOs Anti-Corruption Coalition (LCACC) designed for public purpose sector employees at all stages of their career to extend personal practice, build the confidence needed for ethical decision-making, and embed a robust integrity culture in their institutions.


LCACC worked closely with the public purpose sector (national security institutions, health workers, teachers, court officers, and expert partners to co-design the IELP and create the Integrity and Ethical Leadership Framework. The framework takes a comprehensive full-system view to ethical leadership in the public purpose sector, from the ‘self’ to how the system influences us and how we influence the system.


The IELP is designed with, and for, the public purpose sector in Liberia, including local government, and our ambition is to deliver a suite of programs targeted at key cohorts.

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