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People Power Movement 

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We are a movement of citizens and organizations that use people power (nonviolent) approaches to promote human rights, strengthen good governance and fight corruption at all levels in Liberia. We train and mobilize citizens’ actions for change using people power approaches.  PPM-Liberia is an initiative of the Liberia CSOs Anti-Corruption Coalition and is a member of Africans Rising Movement (ARM) ARM is a Pan-African movement of people and organizations working for justice, peace and dignity.




PPM-Liberia is a replica of PPM-SL. The idea to establish PPM in Liberia was based on a study visit by Liberia CSOs Anti-Corruption Coalition National Coordinator to the Republic of Sierra Leone in July 2019. During the visit, LCACC boss had a strategic meeting with the Foundation for Rural & Urban Transformation- SL and learned about the initiative been coordinated by FoRUT-SL and promised to replicate same in Liberia as well as established a long term and strategic partnership with PPM-SL for technical assistance and information sharing.





Using people power approaches, PPM seeks to promote human rights and strengthen good governance and fight corruption. 


To carry out its mission, PPM works at three levels:


  1. With national civil society organizations (NGOs, trade and labor and business unions, academic institutions, etc.)and individuals: We build the capacity of PPM members and other organizations in people power approaches to fighting corruption and promoting good governance, and mobilize them for action. We build solidarity with other national movements and organizations with a common agenda.


  1. With citizens at community and national levels: we mobilize citizens to innovative develop, document and evaluate innovative approaches to social change.


  1. International CSO movements – share PPM’s work, learn from and build solidarity with regional and international citizens’ movements, including Africans Rising Movement






  1. Train and provide civic education –Deepen consciousness on civic responsibilities and rights, and how to perform those responsibilities and claim those rights; and popularizing people power approaches among CSOs at national, district and community levels, and citizens;


  1. Mobilize and collaborate-Collaborate with other national, regional and global citizens’ movements and governments for rights, justice, and anti-corruption. Encourage local citizen’s actions at the community or district level that PPM can show solidarity with, and scale up to /connect with national action.


  1. The campaign, lobby, and advocate -Initiate campaigns and mobilize citizens through multi-media channels to resist corruption, and expose corrupt practices, using people power approaches.


  1. Monitor, report and document and share– Undertake research, monitor, document and report findings of performance of government at national and local levels in improving governance, enhancing and accountability, and fighting corruption; learn and adapt from the ongoing and past initiatives; and maintain a vibrant website, ensure strong presence on social media with a blog.


  1. Mobilize resources to support local and national campaigns– Build consciousness that people are the most valued resource in PPM, initiate citizens’ minimal financial contribution to PPM campaigns, seek an online donation from the website, seek institutional funding for specific campaigns and other advocacy work including for policy analysis, and other research to support work.

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